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The Driving Force of Art: My Journey and Its Broader Impact

Jun 29

3 min read




Boso SHTS Visual Art students in a Textiles Practical session
Practical Session with my Students at Boso Senior High Technical School

I have always had a great passion for art and have never stopped loving it. As an artist, I have a keen eye for creativity in everything I see. Throughout my education, I have enjoyed tremendous support from my parents in my area of study. Having completed my studies in art and education at the university and gained work experience, I have developed a broader view and concept that the inclusion of art and creativity in all fields of study or career endeavors, such as engineering, computer science, medicine, business, marketing, etc., yields effective and efficient results.

The Foundation of My Artistic Journey

My passion for art has been a driving force in my life, and I have always been inspired by the creativity and imagination that it brings. My parents, recognizing my interest and skill in art from an early age, decided to support me wholeheartedly. During my basic education, they ensured that I had access to the materials and encouragement needed to develop my talents.

When it came time to choose a path for senior high school, my parents were adamant that I pursue visual art. I vividly remember my dad visiting me at school on visiting days with a bag of clay, every time I requested it. This level of support was instrumental in my growth as an artist and reinforced the idea that art was not just a hobby, but a viable and important field of study.


Samuel Ohene-Sarfo
Samuel Ohene-Sarfo

Overcoming Societal Perceptions

In Ghana, there is a prevailing notion that visual art is a course for less endowed students, or those who are not academically bright. This stereotype often discourages talented young artists from pursuing their dreams. Many students who perform well in junior high are steered away from visual art, under the belief that it does not offer a promising future.

However, this perception is misguided. Many visual art enthusiasts and artists do not fully explore their skills or the vast opportunities within the creative field. Through this platform, I want to encourage artists and anyone practicing art to harness the full potential of their talents. The field of art offers diverse and lucrative possibilities, far beyond what is commonly perceived.

Art: Enhancing Efficiency Across Fields

Art is not just a skill or talent; it is a way of life that can be applied to any field or career. Art involves learning basic skills and techniques, just like writing an essay or playing football. If these foundational skills are not taught, one's abilities will remain limited. However, with proper education and practice, anyone can become more skillful. Betty Edwards' "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain" debunks the myth that art is solely a natural talent, demonstrating that it can be learned and mastered.


Art in Advertising and Marketing

Art plays a crucial role in advertising and marketing. Visual appeal and creativity are key to capturing the audience's attention and conveying messages effectively. From designing logos and advertisements to creating compelling digital content, art enhances the impact and reach of marketing strategies.

Art in Engineering and Architecture

In engineering and architecture, art is essential for innovation and design. The aesthetic and functional aspects of structures are heavily influenced by artistic principles. Engineers and architects use art to create visually appealing, efficient, and sustainable designs that enhance the quality of life.

Art in Fashion and Tourism

The fashion industry thrives on artistic creativity. Designers use art to create unique, stylish, and culturally significant clothing that appeals to diverse audiences. In tourism, art enriches the cultural experiences of visitors, showcasing the heritage and creativity of a destination.

Art in Education

Art also plays a significant role in education. It enhances cognitive assimilation, making it easier for students to understand, memorize, and recall information. Artistic activities such as music, rap, painting, and drawing engage multiple senses, making learning more effective and enjoyable.

Students often struggle with traditional learning methods, but the incorporation of art can transform their educational experience. Watch this space for interactive pedagogies and techniques to improve learning across all fields through art.



My passion for art has been a driving force in my life, shaping my perspective and approach to various fields. I believe that the inclusion of art and creativity in all areas of study and career endeavors yields effective and efficient results. I encourage artists and those interested in art to explore and utilize their skills, as the field offers numerous opportunities for personal and professional growth. Stay tuned for more insights and techniques on how to integrate art into your learning and career paths.

Jun 29

3 min read




Comments (2)

Jul 10

Very insightful, Art is more intertwined with life than we think...

Samuel Ohene-Sarfo
Samuel Ohene-Sarfo
Aug 20
Replying to

I couldn't agree more! Art truly does weave itself into so many aspects of our lives, often in ways we might not immediately recognize. I'm glad you found the insights valuable.

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